

Weishi Chen

Weishi Chen

  • Scholar
  • China
  • 2022 PhD Biostatistics
  • Trinity College

I was first introduced to the subject of Statistics during my undergraduate doing BSc in Statistics at University College London. I received thorough training in Statistics at UCL, from the theoretical side of measure theory to various applied areas, such as extreme values analysis and geostatistics. Subsequently, I went to Oxford for an MSc also in Statistics. A summer internship at the Biostatistics Unit at Cambridge introduced me to the area of biostatistics and in particular, I met my supervisor who works in the area of design of clinical trials. I decided to continue for a PhD in this area, seeking to achieve treatment individualisation in early phase clinical trials. This is important because not only it will recommend treatment adapted to different personal characteristics, but better early phase designs will also increase the acceptance rate of the treatment in later phase trials. I sincerely hope that my research will help improve the experience of patients, and it is my great pleasure to receive the Gates Cambridge Scholarship which also aims to improve the life quality of others.

Previous Education

University of Oxford Statistical Science 2022
University College London Statistics 2021