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for scholars with a commitment to changing the world for the better

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Scholars win recognition for impact and engagement

Two Gates Cambridge Scholars have been recognised in the 2024 Cambridge Awards for Research Impact and Engagement. Stanley Onyemechalu [below right] was runner-up in the Early Career researcher category for his work on the Legacies of Biafra Heritage Project and Emma Houiellebecq was highly commended for her research on  strengthening the resilience of essential services […]

Exploring the origins of snake diversity in South America

“Snakes to me are the most beautiful creatures that exist. They look so simple, but they are so complex. They can glide, swim and burrow. They are so varied. I want people to see how amazing and beautiful snakes are,” says Andrés Alfonso-Rojas [2022]. His love of snakes has fuelled his PhD in Zoology.  Andrés […]

How do we learn languages?

Samuel Weiss-Cowie’s fascination with language learning began at the age of 15 when he started learning Korean. He is now in the third year of his PhD looking at how the brain learns a new language or new words in a native language. He says: “I wanted to see what was happening in the brain […]

Redefining migration for the climate change era

Ladakh is a small region where a myriad of mountain ranges meet – the Karakorum to the north, the Tibetan Plateau to the east, and it lies nestled within the Western Himalayas. Historically, Ladakh was located at a bustling intersection of Silk Road trade, but it is now situated at the crossroads of three countries […]