

Jordana Blejmar

Jordana Blejmar

  • Alumni
  • Argentina
  • 2007 PhD Latin American Studies
  • Darwin College

Originally a Literature student from the University of Buenos Aires, I finished an MPhil in Latin American Studies at Cambridge with a Simón Bolívar Scholarship in June 2007. Focusing on guerrilla movements active during the 1970s in Argentina, I am interested in the way children of militants who disappeared during the 1976-1983 dictatorship use visual mediums to reflect on their parents’ political practices. My PhD will examine the links between Politics and Literature from 1969 to 1974. My concern over memory and militancy was fuelled during 2005 when I was invited by the Argentine Ministry of Education to participate in a team promoting discussion over these issues in schools and universities. After finishing my PhD I will continue to work for FLACSO and other institutions,