Five international speakers will take part in the 8th October career webinar.
An international panel of speakers will take part in a Gates webinar on career development, continuing research and networking on 8th October.
The webinar, the second in a series of talks for scholars on career development, will be moderated by Gates alumni, Pradipta Biswas and Rose Spear.
The keynote speaker is Pat Langdon, Senior Research Associate at the Engineering Design Centre, University of Cambridge. The panellists, who will be questioned by the moderators and will then take questions from the audience are:
– Dan Greenfield, Director of Fonleap Ltd, Cambridge
– Andrew Robertson, Chief Policy Officer, BIO Ventures for Global Health, US
– Ivy Chia, Policy Officer at the Council of Private Education, Singapore
– Maja Milicevic, Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics, Belgrade
The webinar starts at 14.00 BST [09.00 EST] and will last approximately 90 minutes. Further queries could be directed to Prapidta Biswas at pb400@cam.ac.uk.
To join the discussion, please sign up at: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/667238814
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