

Jason Martins

Jason Martins

  • Alumni
  • Canada
  • 2017 MPhil Energy Technologies
  • Downing College

Scuba diving through reefs affected by coral bleaching in Southeast Asia, I witnessed the downstream consequences of rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. In between my studies in Chemical Engineering at the University of Toronto, my work experiences in the wastewater, metallurgical, and nuclear energy industries introduced me to problems dealing with the environmental effects of energy production and consumption. In addition, a fourth-year undergraduate project with industry advisers from NASA exposed me to the possibility of transforming carbon emissions from waste product to valuable resource. Most recently, as an MIT graduate student, I worked on a team in charge of organizing the MIT Energy Conference - the largest student-run energy conference in the United States. During my MPhil in Energy Technologies at Cambridge, I plan to work on electrochemical energy storage technologies capable of meeting new demands with integrating renewables into our energy generation mix. As a Gates Cambridge Scholar, I will seek to apply my research to creating a sustainable world for future generations.

Previous Education

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
University of Toronto