

Stepheni Uh

Stepheni Uh

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2018 PhD Biological Science at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
  • St Edmund's College

As a Korean American raised in Boise, Idaho who dreamed of becoming a lawyer, I never imagined that a few of my first friends at Emory University would be Tibetan monks, or that I would ultimately pursue an academic concentration in Neuroscience and Ethics. During my time at Emory, and while completing my MPhil at the University of St Andrews, I was exposed to the interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience as well as the growing field of neuroethics. My diverse research experiences as well as remarkable mentors have cultivated my ambition to research and apply translational neuroscience to enhance human wellbeing while raising awareness regarding the ethical, legal, and social implications of neuroscientific research. My PhD at University of Cambridge's MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit will investigate the neurophysiological underpinnings of resilience in children growing up in poverty, with the motivation that achieving wellbeing is a global endeavor. The overarching aims are to better understand the neural mechanisms underlying this adaptive trait for conquering extreme stress and adversity and to translate our findings for interventions and policies to promote resilience in children from all backgrounds. It is an absolute honor to receive the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, and I am thrilled to become a part of this global community as well as to learn from this inspirational group of individuals.

Previous Education

Emory University
University of St Andrews