

Dorian Minors

Dorian Minors

  • Alumni
  • Australia
  • 2018 PhD Biological Science at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
  • St Catharine's College

My research, teaching, and consultancy focus on how the brain shapes our rituals of thought, feeling, and action, how they can be improved, and how they break down. Over a decade of study and work in the domains of cognition and its disorders have informed my understanding of the mind, human behaviour, and interpersonal dynamics. My six-year tenure in the Australian Defence Force, culminating as a Platoon Commander (Infantry) leading soldiers on and off the field, has shaped my perspective on leadership, team dynamics, and operational excellence.

To sum it up briefly, my specialties are: the neural basis of intelligent behaviour; leadership, community and human systems change; and wellbeing in the brain.

Previous Education

Royal Military College of Aus.
Macquarie University
