

Rana ElRashidy

Rana ElRashidy

  • Alumni
  • Egypt
  • 2021 MPhil Architecture and Urban Studies
  • Queens' College

One saying sums up my conviction as a person and architect: "Many small people who in many small places, do many small things can alter the face of the world". As an undergraduate studying Architecture and Urban Design at the German University in Cairo, I have grown particularly interested in how urban space is deeply intertwined with socio-political dynamics. With most of the world residing in cities, I not only felt personally enmeshed as a citizen, or enthused as an urbanist, but I also feel deeply obliged to enhance the built environment and actively engage with the community across scales and social spectrums. I believe that this demands a continuous and thorough study of how cities function and are inhabited. As an Urban Studies student at Cambridge, I aim to research developing new cities and shed light on the Cairo unseen, by studying the often overlooked spatial manifestations of grassroots initiatives. I believe that academic efforts can and should inform more resilient approaches for policymakers and designers, to include the urban poor in Cairo and its many parallels worldwide. I believe it takes many small people with big ambitions and opportunities, such as the Cambridge Gates Fund, to impact the world.

Previous Education

German University in Cairo Architecture and Urban Design 2019
German University in Cairo Architecture and Urban Design 2017