

Maio Nagashima

Maio Nagashima

  • Scholar
  • Japan
  • 2022 PhD Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
  • St John's College

Maio NAGASHIMA (he/him) is a PhD candidate in the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic at the University of Cambridge. He completed his MA in Classics at the University of Tokyo in 2018 and his BA in English at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in 2015, where he has taught Latin since 2020. His chief interests lie in the European intellectual milieu in which medieval Irish adaptations of Classical texts were produced. His doctoral research explores the manuscript tradition of In Cath Catharda, the late 12th- or early 13th-century Irish adaptation of Lucan’s Bellum Civile, and the influence of the contemporaenous Lucanian exegesis upon the production and transmission of the vernacular version.