

Stanislav Delaurentiis

Stanislav Delaurentiis

  • Scholar
  • United States
  • 2023 PhD Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
  • Trinity College

Raised in New Jersey, I completed my B.A. in Astrophysics at Columbia University in the City of New York. As an undergraduate, I fell in love with asking the astrophysical questions that lied at the intersection of the blackboard and the computer. During my doctoral studies at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics I will work with the Theoretical Astrophysics group to study the galactic center, focusing on characterizing the fluid and planetary dynamics that govern Super-Massive Black Hole accretion disks and the objects that are embedded within them. Developing theoretical models and computational simulations to study this physics has wide applications to research in cosmology, gravitational waves, and plasma. In addition to my research, I am passionate about democratizing science education and developing a diverse and international community of scientists. The task of pushing the frontier of knowledge and uplifting the human condition is inherently interdisciplinary, international, and difficult, but as a Gates-Cambridge Scholar I look forward to working towards strategies and solutions together with the global and multi-faceted community of fellow Gates-Cambridge scholars.

Previous Education

Columbia University Astrophysics 2023