

Jonathan Bleasel

Jonathan Bleasel

  • Scholar
  • Australia
  • 2023 PhD Medicine
  • Darwin College

Throughout my medical education in Australia, I have been fascinated by the promise of personalised medicine, of moving beyond generic treatment protocols to individualised decision making. Such an approach will make healthcare more effective and improve equity of outcomes across our community. During my specialty training in nephrology, I have had the rewarding experience of providing care to many individuals undergoing kidney transplantation. While this procedure can be life-changing, there is a pressing need for better strategies to individualise transplant immunosuppression to improve long-term outcomes. In my PhD project we will utilise next generation sequencing to study patterns of gene expression in circulating immune cells before and after kidney transplantation and correlate this data with relevant clinical events. This research will improve our understanding of the genetic and molecular basis of variable outcomes in kidney transplant recipients. I am grateful and honoured to be contributing to this field as a member of the Gates Cambridge community.

Previous Education

University of Sydney Public Health 2019
University of New South Wales Medicine 2014