

Brady Wagoner

Brady Wagoner

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2005 PhD Social and Political Science
  • Corpus Christi College

Brady Wagoner is Professor of Psychology at Aalborg University, Denmark. His research focuses on social and cultural psychology, remembering, social change, and the development of dynamic methodologies. He was the co-creator of the Sir Frederic Bartlett Internet Archive and is an associate editor for the journals Culture & Psychology and Peace & Conflict. He has over eighty publications, including eight books, and has received a number of prestigious professional awards, such as the Sigmund Koch Prize in 2009. His most recent books are The Constructive Mind: Bartlett's Psychology in Reconstruction (Cambridge University Press), The Psychology of Imagination: History, Theory and New Research Horizons (Info Age), and The Oxford Handbook of Culture and Memory (Oxford University Press).