

Julia Gottschalk

Julia Gottschalk

  • Alumni
  • Germany
  • 2011 PhD Earth Sciences
  • Homerton College

I finished my undergraduate studies in Marine Geology at the University of Bremen - a leading institution for marine geosciences. During my studies I had the opportunity to participate in several multinational research projects and sea-going expeditions all over the world dedicated to study past changes of our climate and the ocean. I became passionate about climate research also in the face of its socioeconomic and political importance. I am currently enrolled in the first year of my PhD studies at the Department of Earth Sciences focusing on the global signature of past abrupt climate change recorded in marine sediments. Particular emphasis will be put on changes in biological productivity and the ocean circulation in the South Atlantic Ocean to explain the millennial-scale variability of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The study is supported by analyzing further climate archives as ice cores and cave formations as well as numerical climate simulations.