

Kaitlin Stouffer

Kaitlin Stouffer

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2013 MPhil Medical Genetics
  • St Catharine's College

All my life, I've been captivated by the wonders and conundrums of complex diseases. Why do viruses mutate in unpredictable ways? And why would a man mistake his wife for a hat? With a quantitative mind, I longed for mathematical tools I could use to investigate these captivating mysteries and found them in machine learning—dedicated to the discovery of complex computational patterns in a range of applications. At Cambridge, I will have the opportunity to contribute my machine learning background to an ongoing effort to determine the genes involved with pain. Capturing complex relationships among genes and with their environment, machine learning has the potential to discover not just single genes, but how they interact to cause observed symptoms. Ultimately, I hope to pursue an MD/PhD so that as a scientist, I might help further our understanding of complex diseases but as a physician, I might never lose sight of the real patients I’m trying to help.