

Zoe Stewart

Zoe Stewart

  • Alumni
  • Australia
  • 2013 PhD Clinical Biochemistry
  • Clare College

Early in my medical training I developed a keen interest in endocrinology and particularly endocrine disorders in pregnancy. These disorders have far-reaching biopsychosocial effects and interventions can improve the lives of women and their children. My PhD will examine whether the “artificial pancreas” can improve glucose control and clinical outcomes in pregnant women with Type 1 diabetes in real-life at home trials. I am also a passionate advocate of sexual and reproductive health and rights, and am currently a Director of Family Planning Victoria and the Australian Youth Representative and a Regional Council Member for the International Planned Parenthood Federation. In the future, I hope to be a clinician-researcher with an active role in policy and advocacy to help on practical and empirical levels to improve the lives of women and their families.