

Elizabeth Ann Walsh

Elizabeth Ann Walsh

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2015 MPhil Social Anthropology
  • King's College

Liz is currently a third-year PhD student in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Cambridge. She began her postgraduate career researching relationships between ethnographic museums and Indigenous source communities, focusing specifically on critiques of digital and non-material repatriation and disparities in interpretational authority. Her recent fieldwork in the Alaskan Arctic has led her to broaden her focus to other cultural institutions while interrogating the integration of non-Native settlers into geographically-isolated Native communities. With a specific interest in how Indigenous sovereignty is recognised and exercised within the politically-charged Arctic, her work considers the competing interests of multi-national corporations, settler nation-states, and local Indigenous peoples in determining the future of economic and social development in the North.

Previous Education

Columbia University
Passaic County Community College