

Lucia Calthorpe

Lucia Calthorpe

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2016 MPhil MPhil in Epidemiology
  • Peterhouse

My interest in the intersection of child nutrition and education grew out of my experience helping to start Vincent Academy, a charter school in West Oakland, CA. I have pursued the topic of child nutrition in my coursework as a Health and Societies major at the University of Pennsylvania. My thesis investigated the impact of recent changes to the nutritional composition of school meals in Philadelphia and its surrounding suburbs. As a Gates Cambridge scholar, I hope to continue to explore the potential for schools to function as a locus for health intervention, with a specific focus on mechanisms for preventing childhood obesity. As an undergraduate, I have been involved in starting and managing an afterschool program at the HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy and have worked as a college access mentor at West Philadelphia High School. Going forward, I hope to continue to work with children in a range of educational settings.

Interests: mountain biking, hiking, sailing, skiing (downhill and cross country), running, and baking.

Previous Education

University of Pennsylvania