China expert in conversation

  • April 30, 2013
China expert in conversation

One of the world's leading experts on Chinese business will be in conversation with Gates Cambridge Scholars next week.

One of the world’s leading experts on Chinese business will be in conversation with Gates Cambridge Scholars next week.

Professor Peter Nolan will speak on the subject of “China and the Crossroads of Globalisation” at 6:30pm on Monday 6 May as part of the Gates Conversation series.

Professor Nolan is one of the leading experts on globalisation, business in China, in the relationship between economic development and poverty reduction. He holds the Chong Hua Chair in Chinese Development and is Director of the University’s Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge. He is the Director of the Chinese Executive Leadership Programme (CELP), which each year brings CEOs from China’s largest firms to the University of Cambridge for a three-week training programme, taught by a combination of academics and the leaders of international firms.

The Financial Times said he ‘knows more about Chinese companies and their international competition than anyone else on earth, including in China’.

Professor Nolan has spoken at the Chinese Government’s annual China Development Forum since its inception in 2000. He has testified at the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission of the US Congress and lectured to the Board of the US-China Business Council. He is a member of the UK Government’s Asia Task Force and the China Council of the World Economic Forum. He holds an honorary doctorate from the Copenhagen Business School.

In 2009 he was awarded the CBE (Commander of the British Empire) ‘for services supporting China’s integration into the global economy’.

The talk is open to Gates Cambridge Scholars and takes place in the Gates Scholars Common Room. Registration for the event is essential. Register here.

Picture credit: and thepathtraveler.

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