Gates Cambridge scholars head for Oxford

  • March 9, 2012

Gates Cambridge scholars are taking part in an exchange with Rhodes scholars.

Twenty-three Gates Cambridge scholars will be heading to Oxford this weekend to take part in a unique exchange with Rhodes scholars.

This weekend’s exchange follows a successful exchange last term where 15 Gates Scholars hosted 15 Rhodes Scholars in Cambridge. The aim of the exchange is to stimulate networking among scholars from diverse backgrounds and build stronger ties between the Gates Cambridge and Rhodes scholarship programmes.

Twenty-three Rhodes scholars will host this weekend’s exchange which lasts from the evening of 9th March to 11th March.

Events include dinner in pairs or small groups and a “Meet and Mingle” at Rhodes House on Friday evening, with a speech by the Warden of Rhodes House. On Saturday, there are a host of possible activities, including a tour of Oxford colleges and the Bodleian library and the Australian Rules Football Varsity match.

Stan Wang, external officer of the Gates Scholars Council, said the reciprocal exchange – the first of its kind between Gates Cambridge and Rhodes scholars – will become an annual event.

He commented: “All of our Gates Cambridge scholars on the exchange truly enjoyed hosting their Rhodes counterparts last term and giving them a taste of life in Cambridge. At an ‘Academic Jam’ in the Gates Room, scholars from both sides were intellectually stimulated in discussing pressing world issues, from the Eurozone Crisis to the Occupy Movement. Despite a short amount of time together, we were able to forge new bonds and friendships that will carry into the future. As a result, the Rhodes Scholars are looking forward to receiving us in kind during our reciprocal exchange to Oxford this weekend.”

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