Second series of Gates Cambridge podcast coming

  • October 9, 2024
Second series of Gates Cambridge podcast coming

The second series of the Gates Cambridge podcast, So, now what?, will launch in January

It’s a new academic year and Gates Cambridge is working on the second series of its So, now what? podcast taking into account feedback over the summer on our first one.

The new series, which will launch in January for our 25th anniversary year, will once again be hosted by international journalist Catherine Galloway and will feature a discussion between three Gates Cambridge Scholars centred around eight different themes, spanning everything from youth to ageing. 

The aim is to showcase the impact Scholars have had on some of the world’s ‘wicked’ problems, the way Scholars from a range of disciplines have done this, the sense of community and the value of international perspectives. This reflects the kind of interdisciplinary conversations Scholars say they so value at Cambridge. 

The first series centred around the University’s eight impact factors and featured speakers including best-selling author Tara Westover, Ukrainian poet Iryna Shuvalova, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Thabo Msibi, Cambridge Zero’s first Research Fellow Ramit Debnath and Victoria Herrmann, named one of the top 100 most influential people in climate policy by Apolitical:

Economics: How do we build back better after crisis? with Kamiar Mohaddes, Queen Nworisara Quinn and Todd Tucker

Education: What is education for? with Tara Westover, Thabo Msibi and Aliya Khalid

Environment: What does extreme weather mean for us?  with Victoria Herrmann, Songqiao Yao and Ramit Debnath

Technology: Tackling the urgency of AI ethics [] with Richard Diehl Martinez, Kerry McInerney and Andreas Vlachos

Politics: Navigating political legitimacy in a polarised world with Ayala Panievsky, Leor Zmigrod and Promise Ejiofor

Society: How to create a more tolerant world with Farhan Samanani, Alina Utrata and José Izquierdo

Peacekeeping: The power of culture in peacebuilding with Iryna Shuvalova, Sara Habibi and Njoki Wamai

Health: How can we improve healthcare for all with Johanna Riha, Victor Roy and Sabrina Anjara

You can listen to the first series here or on our Youtube channel.

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